
The Voice: Michael Wenzel

Pastor Michael Wenzel was raised in church and discipled in ministry from a very young age. While this was a great blessing, he later realized it had unknowingly become a crutch. Michael shares about a time when human teachers disappeared and he became fully aware of his inability to hear Read more…

The Voice: Susan Duchesneau

Susan Duchesneau was raised in church but it wasn’t until she was 35 when she really learned that God still speaks today. While this was exciting to Susan, she still believed it all was tied to her perfect performance. It wasn’t until 14 years later that she realized God loved her completely Read more…

The Voice: Amanda Crouch

Episode 13: Many artists give credit to “divine inspiration”, but author Amanda Crouch truly attributes the direction for her latest book to the leading of the Holy Spirit. She tells of the day she heard His voice and followed the clues which led her to a story much bigger than Read more…