baptism with the holy spirit A safe place to explore The More Tue, 30 Jun 2020 14:36:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 142912744 Tim Enloe: Spirit Baptism Tue, 30 Jun 2020 04:32:10 +0000 Read more…]]>

Tim Enloe grew up in a pentecostal denomination, so things of the Spirit were normative. As a pre-teen, he began seeking the baptism with the Holy Spirit but became confused and discouraged by the process when nothing ever seemed to happen – ’til one day when he felt God’s presence enter the room. While the encounter was different than expected, he finally received Spirit baptism. Tim has since traveled the world using what he’s learned from the challenges of his own experience to help others more easily encounter the Holy Spirit. He reviews the top reasons people have difficulty receiving and offers tips to push past those obstacles. If you have ever wanted this gift from the Father but have struggled, this podcast is for you! Please also visit for additional info and helpful resources.

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Tim Enloe: Spirit Baptism Tue, 30 Jun 2020 04:23:23 +0000 Read more…]]> Tim Enloe grew up in a pentecostal denomination, so things of the Spirit were normative. As a pre-teen, he began seeking the baptism with the Holy Spirit but became confused and discouraged by the process when nothing ever seemed to happen – ’til one day when he felt God’s presence enter the room. While the encounter was different than expected, he finally received Spirit baptism. Tim has since traveled the world using what he’s learned from the challenges of his own experience to help others more easily encounter the Holy Spirit. He reviews the top reasons people have difficulty receiving and offers tips to push past those obstacles. If you have ever wanted this gift from the Father but have struggled, this podcast is for you! Please also visit for additional info and helpful resources.

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The What?!: Neal Leazer Tue, 23 Jun 2020 22:39:46 +0000 Read more…]]> One of the most common questions asked of pentecostals is in regards to tongues. What is it? Do YOU do it? WHY do you do it? What does it feel like? As someone who was quite confused and averse as a newbie, I totally get it! I can’t think of anyone better than Neal Leazer ( for this week’s podcast. Neal has studied the Bible for years trying to make this seemingly taboo topic more accessible to others. Unlike most of my podcast interviews, I literally handed him the microphone and just said, “And, go…” So without further ado, here is all you could possibly want to know about tongues!

Pentecost: Jenn Barbour Mon, 14 May 2018 01:10:57 +0000 Read more…]]> For as long as she can remember, Jenn’s mom prayed in the spirit over her and her brother every night at bedtime. It always made her feel good so the memories were sweet. Since they never discussed the theology behind it, Jenn just chalked it up to “that thing Mom does”. However, many years later, with no understanding or desire for the baptism with the Holy Spirit, Jenn found herself at a conference where the speaker was praying over the crowd for that very thing. While the prayer was calling her spirit to attention, Jenn’s body remained stuck in the seat…until divine intervention helped her to respond.

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Pentecost: April Harrison Mon, 07 May 2018 02:31:41 +0000 Read more…]]> April was saved in her 20’s at an awesome non-denominational church. They didn’t teach Pentecost as something for today, but the Holy Spirit began to personally woo her into “The More” behind the scenes. After a thorough study of Scripture convinced her that Holy Spirit baptism was a real thing, she began to seek it out. But preconceived notions of what this event would be like hindered her. The enemy took further advantage of the situation, whispering lies that God Himself was rejecting her attempts because she was not worthy enough to receive it. After 6 years of gentle and patient revelation, she finally encountered the truth: He had ALWAYS wanted this for her. (And He wants it for you, too!)


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