April Harrison https://themoreofgod.org A safe place to explore The More Tue, 11 Aug 2020 22:05:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5 142912744 Carisa Downs: Abiding in Jesus https://themoreofgod.org/carisa-downs-abiding/ Tue, 11 Aug 2020 01:34:02 +0000 http://themoreofgod.org/?p=10159 Read more…]]> Carisa grew up at a church where the gifts of the Spirit were normal, so the supernatural never felt “weird” to her. With child-like faith, she simply believed and grew up having awesome God encounters. Carisa shares stories of what God taught her about not just finding Him, but abiding (remaining) in Him. She knows God is the ultimate source of all things and helping people learn to abide in Him is her greatest joy. If you are feeling disconnected or far from God, check out this episode. Carisa’s passion for His presence will stir a hunger in you too! Carisa has a new book, “Softer God: Poems and Divine Conversation”. You can find that and more on her website: www.carisadowns.com.

Jenny Randle: Getting to Know God’s Voice https://themoreofgod.org/jenny-randle-getting-to-know-gods-voice/ Mon, 13 Jul 2020 21:24:30 +0000 http://themoreofgod.org/?p=3320 Read more…]]> Jenny Randle went from a career in the heart of Hollywood to a faith-based author, national speaker, and chart-topping podcaster. Her search for meaning in the every day moments of life has led her to write her newest interactive book Getting to Know God’s Voice, where readers discover how God designed them on purpose too. On this episode of the podcast, Jenny shares the story of God developing her in the gift of words of knowledge and teaching her how to use those words to help others encounter the God who loves them. She encourages listeners that this gift isn’t for just a few “special” people – all of us can get to know God’s voice. Please check out her website for more info: www.jennyrandle.com

Michael Hutchings: Healing from Trauma https://themoreofgod.org/michael-hutchings-healing-from-trauma/ Mon, 06 Jul 2020 19:41:30 +0000 http://themoreofgod.org/?p=1662 Read more…]]> Michael Hutchings began ministry life as a cessationist. After an incredible encounter with the Holy Spirit, he was set on a whole new trajectory and is now equipping believers to minister in the power of the Spirit as the director of the Global School of Supernatural Ministry in Mechanicsburg, PA. During one of his travels years ago, Dr. Mike prayed for a suicidal veteran suffering from PTSD. The man instantly experienced freedom from all trauma symptoms. Michael has since had many more opportunities to see the Holy Spirit truly, “heal the broken-hearted and save those who are crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18) and has personally equipped 10,000+ people to minister God’s healing to others in need. This healing is not just for veterans, but those who have experienced any kind of trauma, from child abuse, domestic abuse, church abuse or first-responder trauma. If you or someone you love are struggling, there is hope and healing available! For more information on Michael’s ministry, please check out his website at www.godhealsptsd.com or his Facebook page God Heals PTSD.

Tim Enloe: Spirit Baptism https://themoreofgod.org/tim-enloe-spirit-baptism/ https://themoreofgod.org/tim-enloe-spirit-baptism/#comments Tue, 30 Jun 2020 04:32:10 +0000 http://themoreofgod.org/?p=773 Read more…]]>

Tim Enloe grew up in a pentecostal denomination, so things of the Spirit were normative. As a pre-teen, he began seeking the baptism with the Holy Spirit but became confused and discouraged by the process when nothing ever seemed to happen – ’til one day when he felt God’s presence enter the room. While the encounter was different than expected, he finally received Spirit baptism. Tim has since traveled the world using what he’s learned from the challenges of his own experience to help others more easily encounter the Holy Spirit. He reviews the top reasons people have difficulty receiving and offers tips to push past those obstacles. If you have ever wanted this gift from the Father but have struggled, this podcast is for you! Please also visit enloeministries.org for additional info and helpful resources.

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The What?!: Neal Leazer https://themoreofgod.org/the-what-neal-leazer/ Tue, 23 Jun 2020 22:39:46 +0000 http://themoreofgod.org/?p=763 Read more…]]> One of the most common questions asked of pentecostals is in regards to tongues. What is it? Do YOU do it? WHY do you do it? What does it feel like? As someone who was quite confused and averse as a newbie, I totally get it! I can’t think of anyone better than Neal Leazer (bornofspirit.net) for this week’s podcast. Neal has studied the Bible for years trying to make this seemingly taboo topic more accessible to others. Unlike most of my podcast interviews, I literally handed him the microphone and just said, “And, go…” So without further ado, here is all you could possibly want to know about tongues!

Glenn Burris Jr. https://themoreofgod.org/glenn-burris-jr/ Sun, 31 May 2020 01:59:03 +0000 http://themoreofgod.org/?p=739 Glenn Burris Jr. is president of The Foursquare Church. A senior pastor and seasoned administrator for over four decades, he now oversees nearly 1,900 U.S. churches and congregations, holds an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree and serves on Foursquare’s Global Council.

Glenn Burris Jr.
The What?!: Leah Hartman https://themoreofgod.org/the-what-leah-hartman/ Mon, 20 Aug 2018 11:34:18 +0000 http://themoreofgod.org/?p=505 Read more…]]> Certain Pentecostal worship expressions have caused a cringe in my own heart over the years, so I knew they were a must for the podcast this month! But who could I ask? I found out the answer to that question the day Leah Hartman showed up to church with her shofar. On this week’s podcast, Leah shares with an endearing openness about some of the less understood things of worship and faith, including flags, shofars and dancing before the Lord. Leah speaks with a great understanding, sense of humor and passion for God that is infectious to all who listen.

The What?!: Bill Vanderbush https://themoreofgod.org/bill-vanderbush/ Tue, 14 Aug 2018 04:38:59 +0000 http://themoreofgod.org/?p=474 Read more…]]> Episode 18: Divine healing, indoor rain, feathers, gold dust, Superman costumes – Bill Vanderbush has seen it all! In this episode, Bill shares stories of how stepping into The More has invited the inexplicable and how he has learned to find joy and wonder in the mysterious ways of God.

Bill Vanderbush has been a Pastor for 25 years. Bill grew up on the mission field, traveling all over the world and seeing thousands impacted by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Bill and his wife, Traci, currently travel, speaking in conferences and churches around the world, as well as serving at Community Presbyterian Church in Celebration, Florida, where Bill is a Pastor. Their ministry invites people into a spontaneous, Holy Spirit-led, team ministry training experience that will forever transform the way you see and do life. Bill also worked with New York Times Bestselling Author, Ted Dekker. They co-authored a book and study course called “The Forgotten Way of Yeshua. The Path to Power and Peace in This Life”. Bill’s consuming passion is to introduce people to the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, Who saves, heals, and sets us free. He enjoys empowering others to invade the impossible. Bill and Traci currently live in Celebration, Florida. They have two grown children, Britain and Sara. For more information on Bill’s ministry, please visit his website at billvanderbush.com .

The What!?: Intro https://themoreofgod.org/the-what-intro/ Tue, 07 Aug 2018 12:41:14 +0000 http://themoreofgod.org/?p=433 Read more…]]> April slowly tiptoed into a Pentecostal church around 10 years ago and found it wasn’t as crazy as she thought (most of the time!) She is passionate about helping those who want the more of God push past fear or confusion and step into the deeper things of the Holy Spirit. People often have confusion about what it means to be Pentecostal and what that looks like in practice. April shares from her current (but ever-growing) understanding. This month’s series is all about the “weird’ things people have either seen or heard that Pentecostals do.

The Voice: Dave Ford and Alice Remedios https://themoreofgod.org/the-voice-dave-ford-and-alice-remedios/ Tue, 31 Jul 2018 11:38:54 +0000 http://themoreofgod.org/?p=423 Read more…]]> Over their years of life with God, Dave Ford and Alice Remedios have cultivated hearing  God’s voice. In this podcast, we discuss our passion for helping others to learn to hear His voice for themselves and others. It is incredibly exciting and humbling being used by God to speak  a word of encouragement to someone else. We share stories of things we have learned about the goodness of God while having front row seats to the way He loves others.

The Voice: Michael Wenzel https://themoreofgod.org/the-voice-michael-wenzel/ Mon, 23 Jul 2018 11:35:33 +0000 http://themoreofgod.org/?p=417 Read more…]]> Pastor Michael Wenzel was raised in church and discipled in ministry from a very young age. While this was a great blessing, he later realized it had unknowingly become a crutch. Michael shares about a time when human teachers disappeared and he became fully aware of his inability to hear God’s voice for himself. As Michael pressed in during this painful time, God was faithful to teach him personally. Michael encourages us that God wants to speak to all of his kids and gives some tips to hearing the voice of God.

The Voice: Susan Duchesneau https://themoreofgod.org/the-voice-susan/ Mon, 09 Jul 2018 16:41:09 +0000 http://themoreofgod.org/?p=411 Read more…]]> Susan Duchesneau was raised in church but it wasn’t until she was 35 when she really learned that God still speaks today. While this was exciting to Susan, she still believed it all was tied to her perfect performance. It wasn’t until 14 years later that she realized God loved her completely based solely on Jesus’ perfect performance, not her own. Soon after, she heard the story of a couple halfway across the world whom God was using miraculously to rescue women and children just because they continued to say “Yes” to God’s voice. Susan dreamed God would use her like that. God immediately accepted her invitation and gave her a role in this very story (and it all started with something as simple as a purse!) Susan shares how saying “Yes” to God is an exciting adventure and encourages us that God has tailor-made assignments for each and every person.

The Voice: Amanda Crouch https://themoreofgod.org/the-voice-amanda-crouch/ Mon, 02 Jul 2018 01:53:33 +0000 http://themoreofgod.org/?p=395 Read more…]]> Episode 13: Many artists give credit to “divine inspiration”, but author Amanda Crouch truly attributes the direction for her latest book to the leading of the Holy Spirit. She tells of the day she heard His voice and followed the clues which led her to a story much bigger than herself. Amanda shares memories from when she first began hearing the voice of God, the excitement of His encouraging confirmations and the tension that can come when we must continue to hope in His promises, even in the face of contrary circumstances.

The Father: Scott Johnson https://themoreofgod.org/the-father-scott/ Tue, 26 Jun 2018 02:21:32 +0000 http://themoreofgod.org/?p=390 Read more…]]> Scott Johnson grew up in a great Christian home with loving parents and seemed to have it all. But inside, he was struggling. Over time, these issues led to many years of severe addiction. Scott had heard all his life that if he would clean himself up, he could come to God, but he never could manage to get himself clean. One day at church, he heard something different – that if he came to God, God would clean him up. Scott was shocked to find that like the Prodigal Son, when he approached the Father, he was shown not just mercy, but lavish grace. It was the grace of God which accomplished what years of religious activity could not – freedom!

The Father: Nick Wright https://themoreofgod.org/the-father-nick/ Mon, 18 Jun 2018 01:59:04 +0000 http://themoreofgod.org/?p=363 Read more…]]> It’s often said we view our Heavenly Father similarly to how we view our earthly father. While no earthly father is perfect, some fathers are more broken than others. Nick Wright shares his story of childhood with a father that required flawless works to offer any sort of approval, and tells of how God has slowly rewritten his understanding of a Father’s perfect and unconditional love.

The Father: Bill Alsop https://themoreofgod.org/the-father-bill/ Tue, 12 Jun 2018 11:33:49 +0000 http://themoreofgod.org/?p=361 Read more…]]> At his lowest point in life, Bill Alsop said, “God, if you are real, show me”. God accepted that invitation with an explosive salvation experience. Almost immediately, Bill’s life and ministry became known for the power of the Holy Spirit. But after many years in ministry “working for God” and being used by God, Bill realized something was missing. For the next 14 years, God pruned out legalism and religion and taught him about the heart of the Father and what real love looks like.  Bill encourages us that knowing your true identity as sons and daughters and cultivating a best friend relationship with the Holy Spirit are two things that will allow you to rest in the more of God.

The Father: Al Jackson https://themoreofgod.org/the-father-al/ Mon, 04 Jun 2018 19:28:06 +0000 http://themoreofgod.org/?p=353 Read more…]]> In John 14, Philip asks Jesus to show them the Father. Jesus responds, “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.” In this week’s podcast, Al Jackson shares the story of how the eyes of Jesus came to him smack dab in the middle of his mess and allowed him to peer directly into the heart of Father God. What he found in that gaze was being seen fully, yet loved anyway. It was that great love which made him walk away from worldly pleasures and into a relationship with God. Al also discusses how God taught him about intimacy and how it has changed the way he lives and ministers the Father’s love to others.

Fancy Schmancy Intro! https://themoreofgod.org/fancy-schmancy-intro/ Tue, 15 May 2018 23:43:44 +0000 http://themoreofgod.org/?p=336 Met a fellow podcaster who offered to make me a fancy new intro for my podcast. I’m so legit now.

Pentecost: Jenn Barbour https://themoreofgod.org/pentecost-jenn/ Mon, 14 May 2018 01:07:39 +0000 http://themoreofgod.org/?p=324 Read more…]]>

For as long as she can remember, Jenn’s mom prayed in the spirit over her and her brother every night at bedtime. It always made her feel good so the memories were sweet. Since they never discussed the theology behind it, Jenn just chalked it up to “that thing Mom does”. However, many years later, with no understanding or desire for the baptism with the Holy Spirit, Jenn found herself at a conference where the speaker was praying over the crowd for that very thing. While the prayer was calling her spirit to attention, Jenn’s body remained stuck in the seat…until divine intervention helped her to respond.

Pentecost: April Harrison https://themoreofgod.org/pentecost-april/ Mon, 07 May 2018 02:33:02 +0000 http://themoreofgod.org/?p=319 Read more…]]> April was saved in her 20’s at an awesome non-denominational church. They didn’t teach Pentecost as something for today, but the Holy Spirit began to personally woo her into “The More” behind the scenes. After a thorough study of Scripture convinced her that Holy Spirit baptism was a real thing, she began to seek it out. But preconceived notions of what this event would be like hindered her. The enemy took further advantage of the situation, whispering lies that God Himself was rejecting her attempts because she was not worthy enough to receive it. After 6 years of gentle and patient revelation, she finally encountered the truth: He had ALWAYS wanted this for her. (And He wants it for you, too!)


Encounter: Joanna Watson https://themoreofgod.org/encounter-joanna/ Mon, 30 Apr 2018 02:39:01 +0000 http://themoreofgod.org/?p=313 Read more…]]> Joanna was immersed in church life since birth, but growing up, her relationship with God seemed different than what many of her friends described. The desire to figure this out led Joanna into uncomfortable experiences that offended her mind, but her spirit kept drawing her back to these places where the power and freedom of God was being expressed. Joanna shares her story of how God has now brought her full circle as a worship leader at the same church she angrily stormed out of many years ago.

Encounter: Muriel Burk https://themoreofgod.org/encounter-muriel/ Mon, 23 Apr 2018 02:35:04 +0000 http://themoreofgod.org/?p=294 Read more…]]> Muriel jumped head first into the Pentecostal life at a young 9 years old after her parents encountered the Holy Spirit. She grew up thinking this exciting atmosphere of healing, deliverance and the presence of God was “the better way” of Christianity. But when she got to college and stepped outside her Pentecostal bubble, Muriel began to realize many of the non-Pentecostal Christians she met seemed to have a more Christ-like character than she did. Muriel shares her story of how God has since been recalibrating her faith to include not just the gifts but also the fruit of the Spirit, and ends with a powerful apology to anyone who has ever been made to feel “less than” by misguided or excited, yet insensitive Pentecostals. The truth is that ALL are invited into The More of God.

Encounter: Marc & Jessica Snyder https://themoreofgod.org/marcjessica/ Mon, 16 Apr 2018 01:09:39 +0000 http://themoreofgod.org/?p=285 Read more…]]> Marc and Jess were born into Christian families and saved at a young age, but as they got older and life’s challenges intensified, they knew there had to be something more to God than just going to church and reading their Bibles. With no understanding of what they were looking for and very few like-minded believers around to encourage them, they began to “follow the breadcrumbs” the best they knew how. Their story is proof that those who seek Him WILL find Him.


Encounter: Michael & Jessica Pope https://themoreofgod.org/michaeljessica/ Mon, 09 Apr 2018 05:23:00 +0000 http://themoreofgod.org/?p=282 Read more…]]> Mike and Jess

God is so effective at wooing us into the more, but what happens when spouses respond unequally to His call? Michael and Jessica Pope share their story of how an initial disparity in their beliefs caused tension in their marriage and how the Holy Spirit reunited them with a revelation of His love and power.

An Invitation to The More of God https://themoreofgod.org/welcome-to-the-more-of-god/ Mon, 12 Mar 2018 16:05:08 +0000 http://themoreofgod.org/?p=219

Intro: April shares the story behind The More of God Podcast.

