The Voice A safe place to explore The More Mon, 13 Jul 2020 21:42:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 142912744 Jenny Randle: Getting to Know God’s Voice Mon, 13 Jul 2020 21:24:30 +0000 Read more…]]> Jenny Randle went from a career in the heart of Hollywood to a faith-based author, national speaker, and chart-topping podcaster. Her search for meaning in the every day moments of life has led her to write her newest interactive book Getting to Know God’s Voice, where readers discover how God designed them on purpose too. On this episode of the podcast, Jenny shares the story of God developing her in the gift of words of knowledge and teaching her how to use those words to help others encounter the God who loves them. She encourages listeners that this gift isn’t for just a few “special” people – all of us can get to know God’s voice. Please check out her website for more info:

The Voice: Dave Ford and Alice Remedios Tue, 31 Jul 2018 11:38:54 +0000 Read more…]]> Over their years of life with God, Dave Ford and Alice Remedios have cultivated hearing  God’s voice. In this podcast, we discuss our passion for helping others to learn to hear His voice for themselves and others. It is incredibly exciting and humbling being used by God to speak  a word of encouragement to someone else. We share stories of things we have learned about the goodness of God while having front row seats to the way He loves others.

The Voice: Michael Wenzel Mon, 23 Jul 2018 11:35:33 +0000 Read more…]]> Pastor Michael Wenzel was raised in church and discipled in ministry from a very young age. While this was a great blessing, he later realized it had unknowingly become a crutch. Michael shares about a time when human teachers disappeared and he became fully aware of his inability to hear God’s voice for himself. As Michael pressed in during this painful time, God was faithful to teach him personally. Michael encourages us that God wants to speak to all of his kids and gives some tips to hearing the voice of God.

The Voice: Susan Duchesneau Mon, 09 Jul 2018 16:41:09 +0000 Read more…]]> Susan Duchesneau was raised in church but it wasn’t until she was 35 when she really learned that God still speaks today. While this was exciting to Susan, she still believed it all was tied to her perfect performance. It wasn’t until 14 years later that she realized God loved her completely based solely on Jesus’ perfect performance, not her own. Soon after, she heard the story of a couple halfway across the world whom God was using miraculously to rescue women and children just because they continued to say “Yes” to God’s voice. Susan dreamed God would use her like that. God immediately accepted her invitation and gave her a role in this very story (and it all started with something as simple as a purse!) Susan shares how saying “Yes” to God is an exciting adventure and encourages us that God has tailor-made assignments for each and every person.

The Voice: Amanda Crouch Mon, 02 Jul 2018 01:53:33 +0000 Read more…]]> Episode 13: Many artists give credit to “divine inspiration”, but author Amanda Crouch truly attributes the direction for her latest book to the leading of the Holy Spirit. She tells of the day she heard His voice and followed the clues which led her to a story much bigger than herself. Amanda shares memories from when she first began hearing the voice of God, the excitement of His encouraging confirmations and the tension that can come when we must continue to hope in His promises, even in the face of contrary circumstances.

Encounter: Marc & Jessica Snyder Mon, 16 Apr 2018 01:09:39 +0000 Read more…]]> Marc and Jess were born into Christian families and saved at a young age, but as they got older and life’s challenges intensified, they knew there had to be something more to God than just going to church and reading their Bibles. With no understanding of what they were looking for and very few like-minded believers around to encourage them, they began to “follow the breadcrumbs” the best they knew how. Their story is proof that those who seek Him WILL find Him.

